There are a few conditions that a character can have at any time; some provide positive effects, while others are negative. The inventory of conditions is below.
Weakened: a weakened character subtracts 1 from all checks they make (this includes the check they must immediately make when becoming weakened to see if they fall unconscious); a character whose damage is reduced back below their breakpoint loses all weakened conditions immediately
Unconscious: an unconscious character cannot take any actions, and does not resist any action done to them (they contribute no attributes to the opposition die); a character who is left unconscious for 1 hour will die; a character who is no longer weakened is immediately stabilized (and is no longer unconscious)
Stabilized: a stabilized character cannot take any actions, and does not resist any action done to them (they contribute no attributes to the opposition die); a character who is stabilized will awake in 1 hour (and will no longer be stabilized), but will retain any damage or weakened conditions they already had
Cursed: a cursed character suffers -1 to all checks that they make (they can still have a critical success if their natural roll allowed it); this condition lasts until the end of the encounter, or until the character is charmed (in which case the two effects cancel each other out); a character cannot be cursed more than once simultaneously
Charmed: a charmed character gains +1 to all checks that they make (critical successes are still based on their natural roll); this condition lasts until the end of the encounter, or until the character is cursed (in which case the two effects cancel each other out); a character cannot be charmed more than once simultaneously
Slowed: a slowed character halves their movement, and cannot take more than one action in a turn; this condition lasts for a number of turns (if in danger) or minutes (if not) as specified; for example, "Slowed (3)" would be either 3 turns, or 3 minutes; a character cannot be slowed more than once simultaneously
Frozen: a frozen character cannot move; at the start of each turn (if in danger), or once per minute, the character may make a Steel vs Difficulty +4 check to break the ice (removing the condition); each subsequent time this is attempted, reduce the Difficulty by 1; this condition ends naturally at the end of the encounter; a character cannot be frozen more than once simultaneously
Poisoned: a poisoned character suffers damage at the start of each turn (if in danger), or once per minute; the damage taken is specified as part of the condition (e.g., "Poisoned (3)"); each time the character suffers damage, reduce the damage (and duration) of the condition by 1; for example, a character with "Poisoned (3)" would suffer 3 damage at the start of their next turn, then 2 damage the following turn, 1 damage after that, at which point the condition will vanish; if a character that is already poisoned is poisoned again, retain the highest value only