
Story Tale
Minstrels are the people’s bard, singing songs of both inspiration and relatable melancholy. They are found all throughout the land - some travel across the countryside, moving from village to village, performing for one or two nights before moving on. Others have permanent venues or long-term contracts in larger towns or cities where they perform regularly. The best of the best may perform at balls or feasts for kings and queens. Their light and jovial music is uplifting to many; even when not performing, their presence and general disposition often creates a more eased atmosphere.
Hit the Note • Signature Talent
Up to 1 + mastery times per encounter, if you succeed at any check but do not get a critical, make a Charm vs Difficulty +2 check; if successful, your original check is considered a critical.
Charming Melody • Tier 1 Talent
When you Hit the Note, you or a nearby character is charmed; you may only sing one melody at a time.
Poem Curio • Tier 1 Talent • Action
Up to 1 + mastery times per encounter, you can touch an adjacent item; anyone using that item for the rest of the encounter gains +1 to any check that uses that item (for example, a weapon used with an Attack, or any mundane check that uses a tool).
Soothing Melody • Tier 2 Talent
When you Hit the Note, you or a nearby character lose one slowed, poisoned, or frozen condition; you may only sing one melody at a time.
Poem Magnifico • Tier 2 Talent • Action
Make a Charm vs Steel check against a nearby character; if successful, they take d6 damage, and are no longer charmed (if they were).
Critical: The target will focus all aggressive behavior on you for one turn.
Invigorating Melody • Tier 3 Talent
When you Hit the Note, you or a nearby character gains an additional fast action on their next turn; you may only sing one melody at a time.
Charming Smile • Tier 3 Talent
Permanently increase your Charm by 1.
Mastery • Mastery Talent
For every 2 mastery you have, you may attune to 1 additional eidolon.
Tarr’ko • Tarr'ko Talent
You gain an innate tarr’ko card - Demonstrate, the Harmonious Ideal.
Notes: Innate tarr’ko cards cannot be lost, stolen, or exchanged; they are gibberish to anyone else who looks at them.