Getting Started


Welcome to the Twilight Kingdoms, a tabletop roleplaying game set in a unique world full of ancient magics and mysteries. Take on the role of one of the kingmaker humans, or perhaps one of the animal-like faunus species; then, select three tales to pursue, each granting you unique abilities and powers.
This book presents the setting, rules, and the details for each character tale, as well as a compendium of beasts and fantastical devices. In addition, the book contains a section to help guide narrators in crafting balanced encounters and rewarding players with a means to progress their powers.
Welcome to the Twilight Kingdoms!

What You Need

In order to play a game of Twilight Kingdoms, each player will need access to this rulebook. One player will need to be designated the narrator, while the other players will each make a character (those players will be referred to as players from here out, to distinguish them from the narrator).
Each player will need to make a character, described in detail in Player Characters. In addition, each player will need access to some dice: first, the player will need a pair of d10s - these dice must be visually distinct from each other; it is best if all players use the same visually distinct dice. One of these dice is the player's attribute die, while the other is the player's opposition die. We recommend a white die for attribute, and a black die for opposition. You may, however, use any dice you want, so long as they are visually distinct, and all players and the narrator are fully aware of which die is which. Finally, each player may need access to a variety of other dice of various sizes (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and/or d20), depending on the actions they unlock throughout the game.
All players and the narrator should have pencil and paper readily available. Players will be making notes and changes on their character sheets, while the narrator will be making notes on the story sheet.
Finally, the narrator may wish to use a map and tokens or miniatures to represent the players and other characters. This is optional - the game can be played entirely within the "theatre of the mind", but many effects (especially those focused on combat) refer to hard distance limitations that are better suited to a less abstract representation; a grid or hexagonal map that can be drawn on is often useful in these situations.

Where to Start

Before you begin, each player and the narrator will need to be familiar with some of the rules of the game. It is not necessary to have an encyclopedic understanding of all of the rules and content before playing, but the basic rules should be familiar to everyone. The rules of the game are broken down into the following chapters; each player should have read through the Rules and Player Characters enough to be familiar, while the narrator should have read through the Narrator's Guide. The other chapters can be referenced as needed.
  • Setting - a description of the setting that games of Twilight Kingdoms take place in; it is worthwhile for everyone to skim this so a shared mental image can be used
  • Rules - the basic rules of the game, all players and the narrator should be familiar with these
  • Player Characters - rules and content specific to player characters
  • Narrator's Guide - rules, content, and advice for narrators
  • Equipment - a reference for various equipment, goods, and services characters can purchase or acquire
  • Bestiary - a reference for various monsters and creatures characters may encounter in their adventures
  • Devices - a reference for how to operate and utilize the various spiretech, invention, and magical devices characters may discover